Webinaropptak: Videokonsultasjon av nakkepasienten


22.05 - 31.08.2024


Kl. 08:00 - 08:00





Etter kjøp av webinaropptak får man tilsendt lenke og passord til opptaket.

Hvordan gjennomfører man egentlig en god kiropraktorkonsultasjon via video? Webinaret vil ga informasjon om hva man skal vektlegge ved en online konsultasjon av nakkepasienter.

Deltakerne vil få en konkret innføring i hvordan man gjennomfører en relevant konsultasjon uten fysisk kontakt med pasienten, så du som kiropraktor både nå og i fremtiden kan tilby meningsfulle videokonsultasjoner for både behandler og pasient.

Om foredragsholder
Henrik Hein Lauridsen graduated from AECC in 1991 and practiced as a chiropractor in private practice for 10 years. In 1999 he completed a M.Sc. in clinical chiropractic (rehabilitation) from AECC and Portsmouth University, and from 2001 to 2004 he worked in a multidisciplinary spinal outpatient centre alongside teaching at University of Southern Denmark. In 2007 he received a Ph.D. in Clinimetrics from University of Southern Denmark, and he is currently employed as associate professor in the research unit for Clinical Biomechanics at University of Southern Denmark. His main responsibilities are research in Clinimetrics and children’s health, supervision of master’s student projects and Ph.D.-students, teaching obligations for the education in Clinical Biomechanics and on Ph.D.-courses. In addition, he has been Head of Studies for the education in Clinical Biomechanics at University of Southern Denmark since 2006.

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