AVLYST Babycorecare – Basis 1

06.12 - 06.12.2023
Kl. 09:30 - 16:00
Scandic Fornebu, Martin Lingesvei 2, 1364 Fornebu
The Babycorecare courses will provide you with knowledge of the neuromotor development during the first year of life, where the development of core-stability will form the foundation for future movement pattern.
An understanding of the development of core-stability and quality of movement pattern, will enable you evaluate the individual infant, from a neurological and functional perspective, and will give you the skills to provide personalised exercises and parental advice to encourage the development of functional stability.
With this in-depth understanding of the infant’s motor development you are able to manage imbalances such as; torticollis, one-sided rolling, one-sided creeping and crawling, and other challenges such as difficulties with tummy time, rolling, sitting up, standing up or walking.
The main resources behind the courses are the principles behind Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, the knowledge of the maturation of nervous system and the newest available evidence.
Babycorecare Basis 1 has a special focus on the age group 0-5 months of age.
Babycorecare Basis 1 has a special focus on the age group 0-5 months of age.
The courses will combine theory and practice – in form of video cases and live-cases – to enhance the applicability into practice.
Pris: DKK 5.900
Max 25 plasser
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